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Karen Lewis

Karen Lewis will focus on the creation of a new play, working title "The Pathless Woods.” An exhausted girl in a dirty tattered wedding dress has scrambled her way up a mountain to the overlook where her father died of a heart attack when hiking alone only a few months before. Recent battles with her mom have given her reason to believe that his death was not the result of a cardiac episode but that he chose to end his life at this spot. Her pilgrimage to the north country is a fact-finding mission (meeting with state police, hospital personnel, etc.) To her disgust instead of solitude she finds another woman who refuses to leave.

BluSeed Studios is grateful for the support of our members, area businesses and sponsors, and funding from various grant sources such as the Adirondack Foundation, Cloudsplitter Foundation, Franklin County, Lake Champlain Basin Project, Pearsall Foundation, Stewarts, and Charles R. Wood Foundation. We thank you!

This website is funded by generous grants from

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